The list of corrupt Democrats goes on and on: Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Green, Waters, Biden — the entire Democrat majority in Congress who have for decades played upon the ignorance of the Hispanic and Black voter, holding them in Bondage in order to fatten their own bank accounts.
The Democrats are pushing for impeachment because he was trying to stop Taxpayer dollars going to the Ukraine (a place no American taxpayer gives a crap about, especially when hundreds of millions was coming back into the pockets of Joe Biden and his Drug addicted son, Hunter Biden).
Let’s have a trial on criminal activity for the American people to witness: of Hillary Clinton, the Fisa Report, Joe Biden, Adam Schiff (who has perjured himself), Maxine Waters (who has violated the constitution by living completely outside her district and extorted millions from her own ethnic group, as has people like Al Scharpton), and many others on the judiciary committee.
The removal of President Trump will bring about the largest collapse of an economy in the history of any nation; goodbye to your 401k plan, government pension plans that have long been trillions of dollars in debt, and hello inflation, complete anarchy and civil unrest which the democrats are perpetrating with their ignorance, vitriol, and hatred of our Great President, Donald Trump. I join the republicans in their hatred of a completely separate set of issues; abortion, drugs the Democrats continue to legalize, in illegal immigration, criminal activity and the lack of accountability.
We, as Republicans, will stand firm in Defending Opportunity, Civility, Capitalism, Fairness, and Respect for others. At least next November we can celebrate the largest landslide victory in the history of our country with Donald Trump “in” and the Corrupt Democrats completely wiped out!