Coupled with the impotent and ignorant Democrat legislature of California, Gavin Newsom has become the most dangerous man in California. Along with his fellow Democrats; Chuck Schumer, Ilhan Omar, Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, Jerry Nadler, and Nancy Pelosi, these people are liars, corrupt, and dangerous to our American way of life. Governor Newsom is the enemy of small businessmen and businesswomen, our minority population consisting of African Americans, Hispanics, and legal immigrants, as well as to our law enforcement departments everywhere.
Governor Newsom is an egotistical, condescending, detestable, disrespecting, Union-owned phony Smuck! He will aid the other Democrats in turning our once glamorous State of California into a full San Fran FECES, favoring criminal behavior and the legalization of Drugs, pardoning — against the will of past juries that found beyond a shadow of doubt — murderers, rapists, and drug and children traffickers guilty of heinous crimes.
This is typical Democrat behavior; kill the babies, uneducated, misinformed, and forcing us to further arm ourselves to protect us from criminal transgressions.
The answer is simple: arrest, try, convict, and execute these low life sicko’s.
Round up the homeless, put them into camps where they belong with water that is drinkable, hygiene facilities, food, and help only those that ask for help and leave the others to live their uncivilized life and we can then begin to clean up this Democrat mess they and they alone have created.
Governor Newsom is an extension of many Democrat Governors that have ruined California.