While I respect the authors of the article, “Japanese Internment Camps” written by Brynn Saito and Nikiko Matsumoto, let’s agree that Japan killed thousands of Americans without provocation at Pearl Harbor and thousands more in Prisoner of War Camps through torture, starvation, and disease.
When the bombings at Pearl Harbor occurred, the United States did the right thing to the Japanese, not knowing that this was not a coordinated attack with a possible internal attack by those Japanese living here. The question is, where are the reparations for the killings of innocent Americans by the Japanese government to the survivors of these merciless killings? Lives lost cannot be replaced and a comparison to the internment camps is not fair in contrast let alone the millions of dollars paid to the Japanese in reparations by the United States government. I would think that a couple of years in an internment camp as opposed to death would be an easy choice.
Where would Japan be today without the benevolence of a forgiving America?
As far as the Migrant camps on our southern border, who by and large, are receiving the best care possible, they are Free to leave at any time to return to the better conditions they left, so Go Home!