The best adjective to describe the Democrat Party and it’s leadership is Stupid! (Beginning with the districts that elected the classless haters of our country; Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the very sick Ayanna Pressly, and the vitriolic skank Congresswoman Rashida Talib.)
No amount of legislation is going to intimidate or force the true American to accept this Islamic/Muslim plot to change America into an other failed and hateful middle Eastern repressive experiment! We are a Christian nation and very proud of our history because in order to love who you are you cannot hate what shaped you.
These above-mentioned legislators are best-suited to leave our country where they are despised and are a semi serious threat to our great way of life. It is sad they do represent a constituency of losers that are misinformed and misguided.
Capitalism is great, God is great, opportunity is abound, and real Americans don’t support killing babies, legalizing drugs, dismissing crime, and taking Sharia law seriously.
In about one year from now, November 2020, we will be rejoicing at the overwhelming re-election of President Donald Trump and hopefully discarding these three impostors from office who have brought nothing to the legislative table except ignorance and hatred of our American way of life!
God Bless America.