Each day, as I watch and listen to the impeachment hearings brought before the “Democrat-Controlled Trump and America Haters Party,” I am thankful Donald Trump is our President. Any voter with a minimal education can readily see that America’s number one enemy is the very corrupt trifecta of Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer (the third STOOGE in this comedy show).
Ukraine is as corrupt as the Democrat party who has aided and abetted the Ukrainian government to — in fact — steal our taxpayer money, with the Biden family taking home sacks of it! In addition to the Biden’s bringing home millions of dollars from Ukraine, I encourage you to buy the best selling book, “Secret Empires,” that will identify the thievery of the Biden family in their dealings with China and others.
This President finally is draining the swamp and stopping this larceny which the Democrats have known about for years. To hell with Ukraine — that 90% of our people couldn’t find on a map if their life depended on it.
Another sad chapter in this latest lynching is how the witnesses that are testifying (as well as people like Adam Schiff, Pelosi, and Schumer) think that by feeding from the public trough for 40 or 50 years is some kind of a sacrifice. While serving — if you want to call it that — they are traveling all over the country and the world first class, the best hotels and food, making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year with huge per diem, medical benefits and pension plans approaching hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. All of this while getting paid to “get rich at taxpayers expense” and HATING AMERICA.
One need only look at the lifestyles of all these criminals — yes criminals! — and the wealth of their families to see how they have undermined our system of government for their own pleasure. Yes, you have to be a Democrat if you believe in abortion, socialism, legalizing more drugs, or are an underachiever.
What we have in America now are Republicans who have paved the way for Opportunity for all, freedom to work hard and stay clear of bondage or Democrat control of your life, and self-reliance and accountability. I believe the next time a Veteran of any war passes away, we need to lie him or her in State rather than multi-term congressmen who have “gamed the system” for years and stick the taxpayer with their burial expenses.
One only needs to look around our country to see the Crime, Drug use, Broken educational system that graduates unprepared students to provide for themselves, and who take no responsibility for their failures — many due to the lack of parenting. (The previous is another definition of Democrat!)