The best adjective to describe the Democrat Party and it’s leadership is Stupid! (Beginning with the districts that elected the classless haters of our country; Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the very sick Ayanna Pressly, and the vitriolic skank Congresswoman Rashida Talib.) No amount of legislation is going to intimidate or force the true American to accept […]
Governor Gavin Newsom (Misguided)
Under the administrations of the past and present democrats, California continues to lead the country in crime, illegal immigration, drug use and an overall increase in the homeless population. Governor Newsom continues his absurd policies of “bondage” to contain and enslave the minority population while endangering those that want fair and protective policies to deal […]
The Imploding Democrat Party
When all else fails the democrats use the Race card, Gender, Religion, and Lies, to defraud the American people. They do not have one candidate for the Presidency — male or female — that can define the word: Truth! The democrat women running for the presidency have no principles or value system that compares to Republican […]