The list of corrupt Democrats goes on and on: Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Green, Waters, Biden — the entire Democrat majority in Congress who have for decades played upon the ignorance of the Hispanic and Black voter, holding them in Bondage in order to fatten their own bank accounts. The Democrats are pushing for impeachment […]
Democrat (Hating America) Party
Each day, as I watch and listen to the impeachment hearings brought before the “Democrat-Controlled Trump and America Haters Party,” I am thankful Donald Trump is our President. Any voter with a minimal education can readily see that America’s number one enemy is the very corrupt trifecta of Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer […]
The “Hateful” Democratic Party
Led by mostly women, the democrats have transitioned into Hating America, Killing the Unborn, Legalizing Crime, Supporting the Use of Drugs, and distancing themselves from Jesus Christ and the foundation of our country–Christianity! Joined in this attempt at Overthrowing our way of life, by traitor’s Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, and Bernie Sanders, the democratic women […]