Michael Der Manouel is pronounced Dare Manouel, which is relative to the name of his latest book, Dare to Say It.
Born of Armenian heritage in 1941 in Fresno, California. Graduated from Fresno State College in 1969 with a degree in political science. Mike is married to his wife, Andrea, and has three children and stepchildren, all college graduates.
Michael grew up without a father, who passed away when Michael was eight years old. Michael had a love affair with agriculture, being from the San Joaquin Valley, and then moved into the field of insurance. His passion became a love of thoroughbred race horses and politics. Never compromising his principles, he has always stood for equality and has tried to champion the causes of children.
Most often Michael will say that through our children and good parenting, we can stamp out racism, evil, and hatred. We can also teach our children integrity, respect, dignity, and the incredible opportunity in the country.